Mark Napier was the elected Republican sheriff of Pima County, 2017-2021.
It was my honor to serve the people of our county as your sheriff. It is now my honor to endorse the only candidate who I believe can best serve us in that office. It is without reservation that I endorse Heather Lappin to be the next sheriff of Pima County.
Heather Lappin brings to the office of sheriff formal education, executive level leadership training, maturity, poise, professionalism, and an ethical foundation matched by no other candidate. These things are critically important. The Pima County Sheriff’s Department is a large and complex organization operating in the increasingly complex, dynamic, and complicated environment of the criminal justice system. Further, we must have trust and confidence in our law enforcement leaders. Perhaps this is true now more than ever. Heather Lappin is exactly the quality of person who can, and will, effectively lead our Sheriff’s Department, inspire confidence, and serve all the people of our county with dignity and professionalism.
As your sheriff, I observed Heather as one of my commanders. I noted that she always maintained a professional, warm, polite, and friendly bearing with everyone. She is respected by her subordinates and liked by her peers. She earns this respect and affection by the quality of her conduct as a commander. Importantly, she tenaciously continued her professional development through education, training and being an active instructor. She keenly understood that effectiveness is not gained by marking time in rank. As a result, she now possesses stellar qualifications to serve all of us as our sheriff. We can be confident in her; I know that I am.
Please join me in supporting a professional, educated, and effective candidate for sheriff. Heather Lappin is clearly the best candidate.