As we get nearer to the July 30 primary election, we’ve had a number of inquiries from political candidates (and their representatives), wondering about our policies on publishing guest opinion submissions.
Candidates for offices that represent Southern Arizonans are welcome to submit commentary pieces for publication. Here’s what we’re looking for, and what we’re not.
The Tucson Sentinel accepts policy statements, explaining a politician’s reasoning for a stance on a specific issue.
We don’t put word limits on guest opinions; if you’re boring the reader, you’re only hurting your own cause. The same is true if you’re so pithy that you don’t explain yourself and back up your claims with facts.
Submissions by candidates should be on point — please address issues relevant to the office which you seek.
Please include:
What we don’t accept:
In the interest of fairness, we are highly unlikely to publish submissions made within a week of Election Day for a particular primary or general election. Nor are we likely to publish more than a single opinion from a candidate per week.
We accept candidate guest opinions to spark discussion among voters and the general public, not to back any particular candidate or point of view. We do not endorse political candidates. The public, including other candidates, will be allowed the opportunity to comment on all published pieces on social media, and all commentaries may be analyzed and fact-checked by reporters. Submissions may be lightly edited for grammar and style, but we won’t change the intent of an outside commentary. We reserve the right to decline to publish submissions — we do get quite a few.
Please email submissions to [email protected]. Include your commentary in the body of the email, rather than using an attachment.